2022 Escort Request

Escort Information

Deadline April 30, 2022

Deadline April 29, 2022

Each Princess and Lady of the Realm should make arrangements for her escort(s). If you represent a club which chooses an escort, please check with the club about your escort arrangements. You will need an Escort for 5 nights: Saturday, June 4th, Sunday, June 5th, Tuesday, June 7th, Thursday, June 9th, and Friday, June 10th.

You will also need an escort on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 3rd for Children’s Charities Day. Carnival will furnish escorts only if necessary. Please help us by making every effort to secure your own escort for the Crown & Sceptre Ball and the Princess Ball.

The name of your escort must be submitted to Carnival no later than April 29, 2022. Escorts must have completed a minimum of their freshman year of college.

Escorts are responsible for their attire during Carnival week. They must wear white tie and tails to the Crown & Sceptre Coronation Ball. A white dinner jacket is required for all other Carnival Week activities. Escorts will be notified of all required attire upon acceptance and will be offered a rental discount. Please note that there is a $250 escort fee.



Royal Court Committee

4735 Spottswood Avenue, Suite 103

Memphis, TN 38117

or Fax (901) 458-0955 or Email: admin@carnivalmemphis.org

For your convenience, a Fillable PDF copy of this form has been emailed to you if you prefer to complete the form that way. Please email completed form to admin@carnivalmemphis.org.